Starts recording HTML connector HTTP responses to reuse them with Continue with Site Clipper statement.

Recorder for Site Clipper statement enables the recording of all HTTP responses that match the URL RegEx filter made by the HTML connector and disable cache for those responses.
The recording stop when a Continue with Site Clipper is executed or if a stateless HTML transaction starts. Those recorded HTTP responses are reuse when the Site Clipper connector response the same resources and prevent to ask the resources again to the remote website.
This can be important on some page where a browser refresh doesn’t provide the same content, like a POST form result or query that modify server side data (such a shopping cart).
Record response consume memory, so use it with caution and try to set a URL RegEx filter if possible. A recorded response is destroyed after the Site Clipper connector use it or when its response lifetime (sec) is expired.

Property Type Category Description
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Is active boolean standard Defines whether the statement is active.
Response lifetime int standard Define the time-to-live (in seconds) of recorded responses.
Recorded responses are kept in memory a maximum of time corresponding to the Response lifetime property value.
If a recorded response is not used by a Site Clipper connector during its lifetime, it is automatically destroyed when its time-to-live expires.
URL regexp filter String standard Defines a regular expression for response URL filtering.
All HTTP responses should not be recorded by this statement. The URL regexp filter property allows defining a regular expression as a string pattern to find in the URL of HTTP responses.

• For more information about regular expression patterns, see the following page:
• To test regular expressions, you can use the regular expression tester at the following URL: