Convertigo Form Builder Standalone
This a is the dockerized version of Convertigo Form Builder that enables you to run it on premises.
Linux platform is recommended.
- You need to have access to internet
- You need to install:
- You need at least 2 GB of disk space. 20 GB is recommended.
- For CENTOS 7 you must enable user namespaces in kernel to support PWA creations
- Add
) - And then run
$ sudo sysctl --system
- For older release than CENTOS 7.7, you have to run additional commands
$ sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="user_namespace.enable=1" $ reboot
- Add
Installation guide
You can access the Form Builder Releases here
First of all, extract tar.gz (This file is given by a download link in a message) :
$ tar -xzvf c8oforms_standalone.tar.gz
Then, start docker as a deamon :
$ systemctl start docker
Then, make sure you have correct permissions on folder c8oforms_standalone (read/write/execute)
$ sudo chmod -R 777 ./c8oforms_standalone
Then, navigate to folder, and start-up docker :
$ cd c8oforms_standalone
$ docker-compose up -d
When its done, on first launch you must configure couchdb. You can either use that configure for you automatically couchdb in single-node mode :
$ ./
You can also configure it by using fauxton.
You have to wait about 5 minutes for the environment to finish setting up to start.
Go to Convertigo administration, into projects to check that all projects has been loaded. After 5 minutes you must see following projects:

Convertigo projects used by Convertigo Form Builder are:
- C8Oforms
- lib_ExtendedComponents
- lib_FullSyncGrp
- lib_UserManager
- lib_OAuth
To shutdown docker,and stop Convertigo Form Builder, run:
$ docker-compose down
Update guide
You can access the Form Builder Repository here :.
First of all, downlaod, and then Go to Convertigo administration, into projects to import your
Click on Deploy a project, and then browse file on your system.
Convertigo Form Builder
- Connect to url: http://your_server:28080/convertigo/projects/C8Oforms/DisplayObjects/mobile/index.html or https://your_server/convertigo/projects/C8Oforms/DisplayObjects/mobile/index.html
- To login into Convertigo Form Builder you can either create a new account or setup authentication with active directory
Convertigo Server
- Root url: http://your_server:28080/convertigo/ or https://your_server/convertigo/
- Administration url: http://your_server:28080/convertigo/admin/main.html or https://your_server/convertigo/admin/main.html
login: admin password: admin
Couchdb fauxton
- Connect to url: http://your_server:28081/_utils
login: admin password: fullsyncpassword - The Couchdb directory which includes databases is in folder c8oforms_standalone/couchdb.
- You can find your workspace into folder c8oforms_standalone/workspace.
- This workspace contains all Convertigo user data: the projects, the configuration files, the logs, etc.
Create a new Convertigo Form Builder account
Go to convertigo administration and login, then navigate to test platform, and click on lib_UserManager, execute sequence AddUser with user email and password.

Be careful to use an email like “”. If you don’t, you won’t be able to login.
Authentication Active directory
You have to configure project lib_UserManager . To do so go to convertigo admin console: http://your_server:28080/convertigo/admin/login.html and type login and password. Then, click on project on the left hand side to access to project list view. On the left side of lib_UserManager and C8Oforms projects, you will se a red warning icon, click on it to create symbols.

Now that its done, click on symbols on the left hand side.

For lib_UserManager, you will have to define 3 symbols:
- lib_UserManager.adminUser
- This user must be an active directory account, who has at least read only access right, and so can execute research on whole tree (expected synthax is DOMAIN_NAME\USER)
- lib_UserManager.adminPassword.secret
- Password of our active directory user
- lib_UserManager.ldapServer
- Url of LDAP server such as ldap://LDAP_SERVER:389
For C8Oforms, you will have to define 1 symbol:
- C8Oforms.loginAdGroup
- This group, is used to determine if an active directory user will be able to connect to Convertigo Forms. If symbol is empty, any Active directory user will have acess to Convertigo Forms, but if symbol is defined, only users that are members of this group will have acess to Convertigo Forms.
Add your certificates store
With default installation, a self-signed certificate is embedded. This configuration enables https connections but induces a security alert in your browser.
You can add your certificates store in c8oforms_standalone/tomcat/conf. If you don’t have a certificates store but the site certificate, you can insert it in certificates.jks by using specifics openssl and keytool.commands.
You have to modify the file c8oforms_standalone/tomcat/conf/server.xml.
In this file, find the following section:
<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
keystoreFile="conf/certificates.jks" keystorePass="password" />
Change the keystoreFile with the name of your jks store and the keystorePass too.
The modification will be validated after a restart of the container :
$ docker-compose down
Stopping c8oforms_standalone_convertigo_1 ... done
Stopping c8oforms_standalone_couchdb_1 ... done
Removing c8oforms_standalone_convertigo_1 ... done
Removing c8oforms_standalone_couchdb_1 ... done
Removing network c8oforms_standalone_default
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "c8oforms_standalone_default" with the default driver
Creating c8oforms_standalone_couchdb_1 ... done
Creating c8oforms_standalone_convertigo_1 ... done
To see if your certificate store is correctly validated, look at the log files in c8oforms_standalone/tomcat/logs/
Info log file, you have to find :
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-8443"]
with no exception after.
Directories to save in the event of a machine crash :
- All the workspace directory except logs folder. This contains all the specifics parameters as well as the symbols set.
- All the couchdb directory. This directory contains all the databases used for Convertigo Form Builder. In particular the definitions of forms, users, rights, …
- The tomcat/conf directory, only if you have changed the configuration like add a certificate store.
Restoration is easy. It consists of replacing the installed directories with those saved. Note that backup can be done while CouchDB is running see this article in CouhcDB documentation Couchdb Backups
GDPR Compliance
They are two built in features in Convertigo Forms to help you comply with the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR.
1) You can define a text (HTML is supported) to display in the GDPR menu of the application.
2) You can display a message each time a user creates a form, to make him aware of the GDPR rules.
To do this, Go to Convertigo administration, into symbols section, and create the following symbols:
To define the text and show the GDPR menu (1)C8Oforms.GDRP-TOAST
To define and display the message before creating a new form (2)