Sends an HTTP request.

This statement simulates an HTTP POST or GET request on the target application.
Note: You can add HTTP statement variable objects to this statement, they will be sent as HTTP request parameters (for more information see HTTP single-valued variable and HTTP multi-valued variable documentation).

Property Type Category Description
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
HTTP verb HttpMethodType standard Allows to choose the HTTP verb to use for this HTTP request: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, TRACE, OPTIONS or CONNECT.
For more information about HTTP verbs, you can visit the following RFC page: HTTPS
Host String standard Defines the host address.
By default, HTTP request statements use the Host property set in the connector object. This property can be overridden by setting the Host property here.
The Host property can contain a DNS host name or be a simple IP address.
Is HTTPS boolean standard Defines whether the connection is secured (HTTPS).
Is active boolean standard Defines whether the statement is active.
Port int standard Defines the server port.
By default, HTTP request statements use the Port property set in the connector object. This property can be overridden by setting the Port property here.
URI JS expression standard Defines as a JavaScript expression the URI to be used in the HTTP request.
This property is a JavaScript expression that is evaluated during the transaction execution and gives the URI string to be used in the HTTP request.
Custom HTTP verb String expert Defines a custom HTTP verb that override the HTTP verb selected.
This property allows to override the verb of HTTP verb but inherit its behavior. Does nothing if empty.
HTTP headers XMLVector expert Defines the HTTP headers to be used in the HTTP request.
This property allows the user to define specific HTTP headers for the HTTP request.
Each header is defined with the following items:

Variable: HTTP header name (ex: Content-Type).
Value: HTTP header value (ex: application/x-www-from-urlencoded).

Note: A new HTTP header can be added to the list using the blue keyboard icon. The HTTP headers defined in the list can be ordered using the arrow up and arrow down buttons, or deleted using the red cross icon.
Synchronization TriggerXMLizer expert Defines how to synchronize the statement.
A synchronizer states how and when accessed pages are considered fully loaded. Only then are data extracted and new pages re-detected.
There are several types of synchronizers, that are described hereafter:

Document completed: The synchronizer waits for a number of documents to be completed. Specify here how many “document completed” events Convertigo has to wait for before assuming that the page is complete. In many cases, when the target application uses HTTP META redirects or JavaScript redirects, the document is loaded several times. You can monitor
==== start parse ======
==== Parse end ==(XXXms )====================
traces in the Engine console (debug mode) to count the number of “document completed” events needed for the synchronizer. The Document completed synchronizer can be configured to also stop on alert messages that could pop up. Alert messages do not trigger a “document completed” event and are not detected by this synchronizer. To activate this option, check the Stop on alert checkbox.
XPath: The synchronizer waits until a specified XPath is found. Convertigo tries to evaluate the specified XPath while receiving a web page or executing JavaScript in it. Once the XPath matches at least one node of the page, the synchronizer returns.
Wait time: The synchronizer waits until a specified time is reached (in ms, set via the Timeout property).
Screen Class: The synchronizer waits for one of the selected screen classes to be detected. Several screen classes can be selected to be waited for. The synchronizer returns when one of them is reached.
Download started: The synchronizer waits for a download request. This is the perfect synchronizer to use before a Get attachment statement.
No wait: The synchronizer doesn’t wait and execution proceeds directly.

For all synchronizer types, the maximum waiting time is set using the Timeout property.
URL charset encoding String expert Defines the charset encoding to use for the variable values sent as parameters in HTTP request.
This property allows to define the charset encoding used to URL-encode the parameter values:

• GET parameters for the query string,
• POST parameters in case of application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-type.

Default value is blank. If blank, the parent transaction’s URL charset encoding property value is used.