Gets the object bound with the specified key in the context.

This statement gets an object from the context identified by a key and sets it in a JavaScript variable.
This object was previously set in the context, bound with its key, thanks to Context Set statement.
If no object is bound with this key in the context, the JavaScript variable is set to null.
Note: The action is similar to a Simple statement with the following line of code:
myVar = context.get("key").

Property Type Category Description
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Is active boolean standard Defines whether the statement is active.
Key String standard Defines the key identifying the object to retrieve.
Key property is similar to the parameter of context.get JavaScript method.
Variable String standard Defines the JavaScript variable into which the object will be retrieved.
Variable property is similar to the name of the result variable of context.get JavaScript method.