Defines an HTTP response associated with the operation.

When a services is invoked it responds with a HTTP status code. This mapping object will help you define status codes such as 200, 401 or any other according to XPaths resolution done on a Convertigo Sequence response.

The Sequence response will be scanned by all the UrlMappingResponse objects defined for a given operation. The first one having its XPath matching will generate the corresponding status code.

Property Type Category Description
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Model reference String standard Defines a model’s reference to use as response body.
Status code String standard Defines the status code associated with the response.
Status text String standard Defines the status text associated with the response.
XPath condition String standard Defines the xpath condition for which current response apply.
Write it as an Xpath Expression matching a condition in a sequence response ex: //error