Makes string replacements in a Site Clipper response.

The Replace string extraction rule replaces, in a Site Clipper response, string occurrences matching the regular expression defined in Regular expression property.
The corresponding strings from the response are replaced by the value defined in the Replacement property.

Property Type Category Description
Comment String configuration Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Is active boolean configuration Defines whether the extraction rule is active.
Regular expression String configuration Defines the regular expression defining text to be replaced.
This property allows defining a regular expression as a string pattern to find in the Site Clipper response.

• For more information about regular expression patterns, see the following page:
• To test regular expressions, you can use the regular expression tester at the following URL:
Replacement String configuration Defines the replacement string to apply.
This property defines the string that will be set in the place of each string occurrence matching the regular expression in the Site Clipper response.

• This property can refer to groups, which is a standard notion of regular expressions. For more information about regular expressions groups and symbols to use in replacement strings, see the following pages: and
• This property can use available variables automatically containing Convertigo server paths. For more information about Convertigo paths variables, see Appendix “Convertigo paths variables - Usable symbols”.