Defines an IF conditional step looking for node(s) on a source.
The IfExist step is one of Convertigo Sequencer conditional steps. This step contains other steps executed only if the source defined through the Source property exists.
Note: In Convertigo Studio, when an IfExist step is created in a sequence, it can be easily replaced by an IfExistThenElse, using the right-click menu on the step and choosing the option Change to > IfExistThenElse. The Source property remains the same and the steps present in the IfExist are moved to the Then sub-step.
Property | Type | Category | Description |
Comment | String | standard | Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object. |
Is active | boolean | standard | Defines whether the step is active. |
Output | boolean | expert | Defines whether the XML generated by this step should be appended to the resulting XML. Set this property to true to add the step’s resulting XML to the sequence’s output XML (default value for steps generating XML). Set this property to false to prevent the steps’s XML result to appear in the sequence’s output XML. Setting this property to false does not prevent the step’s generated XML from being used as a source by other steps. |
Source | XMLVector | expert | Defines the source to work on. This property allows defining a list of nodes from a previous step on which current step performs tests. A source is defined as a reference on a step previously existing in the parent sequence, associated with an XPath applied on the step’s result DOM. At runtime, the XPath is applied on the step’s current execution result XML and extracts a list of XML nodes resulting from this execution. If the XPath doesn’t match or if the source is left blank, the step has no data to work on: the test fails. |