Manages browser tabs.

Pop-ups opening in the internal browser can be opened as tabs (depending on the value of the browser Window open setting). This statement allows to open, close, move, etc. browser tabs.

Property Type Category Description
Action String standard Defines the action to be performed on browser tabs.
Available actions are the following:

• close: closes the current tab,
• new: opens a new tab,
• getnbtab: retrieves the number of open tabs in a JavaScript variable,
• getindex: retrieves the current tab index in a JavaScript variable,
• next: set focus on the next tab,
• previous: set focus on the previous tab,
• setindex: places focus on the tab of specified index.
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Is active boolean standard Defines whether the statement is active.
JS index JS expression standard Defines the JavaScript expression resulting in the index of the tab to be used.
This property has to be filled when the Action property is set to an action that is concerned by a tab index value.
Variable name String standard Defines the name of the variable in which data is retrieved.
This property has to be filled when the Action property is set to an action that is concerned by retrieving a value in a JS variable (retrieving the current tab index, “getindex” action, or number of tab, “getnbtab” action).