Clips fragments of a web page.

The Web Clipper extraction rule extracts entire parts of an HTML page. It is applied if the result of the Xpath expression evaluation exists into the HTML page DOM.
The fragment resulting from the Xpath expression evaluation on the HTML page DOM is appended to the HTML transaction output document, with its presentation (images, style sheets, etc.) and behavior (scripts, links, etc.). The URI paths present in the elements of this fragment are changed by Convertigo in order not to point directly towards these URIs.

Property Type Category Description
Attributes XMLVector configuration Lists the names of attributes that have to be processed by the rewriting of URI paths.
By default, a list of usual attributes is already set: src, href, background, action, cite, classid, codebase, data, longdesc, usemap.
Note: A new attribute can be added to the list using the blue keyboard icon. The attributes defined in the list can be ordered using the arrow up and arrow down buttons, or deleted using the red cross icon.
Comment String configuration Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Enable HTTP tunnel HttpTunnel configuration Defines whether resources and links are retrieved through Convertigo HTTP tunnel or not ; and if so, whether the Convertigo HTTP tunnel uses cache or not.
It can take three values:

disable: the resources are not got through Convertigo HTTP tunnel, but directly,
cache: the resources are got through COnvertigo HTTP tunnel and the tunnel uses cache,
no cache: the resources are got through COnvertigo HTTP tunnel and the tunnel doesn’t use cache.
Enable parent extraction boolean configuration Extracts all parents and ancestors of clipped elements for styles inheritance.
Is active boolean configuration Defines whether the extraction rule is active.
XPath String selection Defines the Xpath expression of nodes on which the extraction rule applies.
Depending on the extraction rule, the execution of this Xpath on the web page DOM can result in a single Node or a NodeList.