Takes a screenshot of the current web page.

The Print screen extraction rule creates a screenshot of the currently displayed web page and generates a Base64 representation that is inserted in an element of the output XML.
The Print screen extraction rule can take a screenshot of the whole web page or of a part of the page. To select only a part of the page, you can use the Capture corner and Capture size properties.
The image compression method of the generated binary data can be chosen using the Image format property.

Property Type Category Description
Capture corner left int configuration Defines the horizontal space in pixel between the left of the browser window and the left of the captured frame.
The Print screen extraction rule can capture only a part of the web page. Use this property to choose the position of the left of the screenshot area.
Leave this property to its 0 default value if you want to capture a screenshot from the left of the page.
Capture corner top int configuration Defines the vertical space in pixel between the top of the browser window and the top of the captured frame.
The Print screen extraction rule can capture only a part of the web page. Use this property to choose the position of the top of the screenshot area.
Leave this property to its 0 default value if you want to capture a screenshot from the top of the page.
Capture size height int configuration Defines the height of the captured frame (in pixels).
The Print screen extraction rule can capture only a part of the web page. Use this property to choose the height of the screenshot area.
Leave this property to its -1 default value if you want to capture the whole height of the web page.
Capture size width int configuration Defines the width of the captured frame (in pixels).
The Print screen extraction rule can capture only a part of the web page. Use this property to choose the width of the screenshot area.
Leave this property to its -1 default value if you want to capture the whole width of the web page.
Comment String configuration Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Data url prefix boolean configuration Includes a prefix to the Base64 binary data to allow a direct use of the image from the XML.
Setting this property to true adds a data:image/<xxx>;base64, prefix to the image binary data in the output XML, with <xxx> value is jpg or png depending on the Image format property value.
This allows the developer to directly use the image data without writing it in a file. For example, it can be used in an src attribute of an IMG HTML tag.
Image format ImageFormat configuration Defines the image compression method used to generate the image binary data.
This property can take several values:

png: using this value generates a fine but heavy image,
jpeg: using this value generates a blurred but lightweight image.
Image scale float configuration Defines the ratio to reduce (<1) or increase (>1) the size of the final captured image.
The Print screen extraction rule can automatically perform a transformation on the captured image:

• increasing its original size if you use a value superior to 1,
• reducing its original size if you use a value inferior to 1.
Is active boolean configuration Defines whether the extraction rule is active.
Tag name String configuration Defines the tag name in the resulting XML (default tag name is PrintScreen).
Waiting delay long selection Defines the minimum delay (in ms) to wait after the “completed” event to realize the screenshot.
This property allows to define a time to wait before the screenshot is performed and after the last document:completed event, in order to be sure that the page is fully rendered before the image is generated.
The default value is set to 100 ms.