Reads a JSON file content and loads it into the step’s XML.

The Read JSON step reads any JSON file and loads its content. As a consequence, the content of the JSON file is available as a source for other following steps.

Property Type Category Description
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Is active boolean standard Defines whether the step is active.
Key SmartType standard Defines the key name used for its Object parent owner.
This property is a “smart type” property, that allows to specify the key.
A “smart type” property can be of one of the following types:

• a text: the value is therefore a hard-coded text value,
• a JavaScript expression: the value is therefore a JavaScript expression that is evaluated at sequence execution,
• a source: the value is a source and can be picked using the source picker. A source is defined as a reference on a step previously existing in the parent sequence, associated with an XPath applied on the step’s result DOM. At runtime, the XPath is applied on the step’s current execution result XML and extracts a list of XML nodes resulting from this execution.


• If you use the source type for this property, the XPath application on target XML should give a text result. Otherwise, the first node’s text content is taken.
Source JS expression standard Defines the path of the file to read.
This property is a JavaScript expression that is evaluated during the sequence execution and gives the path of the file to read.
This path is either absolute or relative to Convertigo environment. Relative paths starting with:

./ are relative to Convertigo workspace,
.// are relative to current project folder.
Array children TagName String expert Defines TagName used to describe elements under a JSON array.
JSON Sample String expert Defines a sample of the expected JSON, used to extract the schema of the response.
Output boolean expert Defines whether the XML generated by this step should be appended to the resulting XML.
Set this property to true to add the step’s resulting XML to the sequence’s output XML (default value for steps generating XML). Set this property to false to prevent the steps’s XML result to appear in the sequence’s output XML.
Setting this property to false does not prevent the step’s generated XML from being used as a source by other steps.
Replace ‘step’ element boolean expert Defines if the root ‘step’ element should be replaced by its content.
If ‘true’, the current Step will append the content of the file to the current Sequence, if ‘false’ the content is added to a ‘step’ element appended to the current Sequence.