Defines a Font component.

This component helps installing open font sources.
You can add Font components to the Application and to any Shared component.
The precedence depends on the Font components ordering.
If Font is set as default it will be installed and used by default for whole app or shared component.
Otherwise it will be installed and you may use a FontStyle under any Text container component to use it.

For more information: Fontsource.

Property Type Category Description
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Default boolean standard Specifies if font is used by default for whole app or shared component.
If true font is installed and declared as part of default fonts for whole app or shared component.
If false font is just installed. You need to use it through a FontStyle component.
Definition FontSource standard Defines the font definition.
You can choose here the open Fontsource you will install in your app.
Is active boolean standard Defines whether the component is active.