Defines a ControlValidator component.

The ControlValidator is a component which helps to validate user input for a given form’s input such as Text Input, Toogle Button,…
It is a set of Angular’s built-in synchronous functions called whenever the value of the control changes.
Add a ControlValidator to a form’s input component and select required validation through ‘check’ properties.
Also, you can add a Submit Button to your Form with its Auto disable property set to true to avoid form submission by disabling the button whenever form data are not valid.
For more information: Reactive form validation.

Property Type Category Description
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Is active boolean standard Defines whether the component is active.
Check equals true String expert Checks whether value is equals to true.
Check length maximum String expert Checks whether value’s maximum length is equals to a given number.
Check length minimum String expert Checks whether value’s minimum length is equals to a given number.
Check match pattern String expert Checks whether value match a given regex pattern.
Check not empty String expert Checks whether value is not empty.
Check valid email String expert Checks whether value is a valid email.