
Defines a Tooltip component. This component displays a tooltip that can be positioned around any item giving the position properties. You can set as many tooltips in a page.

To use it, you have to place the tooltip as a parent of the item.
For more information: ionic-tooltips.

Name Description
Display duration number: number of milliseconds to show the tooltip for. Defaults to 3000.
Displays arrow add this attribute or set it’s value to true to show an arrow attached to the tooltip. Defaults to true.
Horizontal Position specifies the horizontal position of the tooltip. Can be either ‘right’ or ‘left’
Left Offset add this attribute to offset the horizontal position of the tooltip. Defaults to 0.
Navbar Tooltip add this attribute or set it’s value to true to specify that the tooltip belongs to a nav button. Defaults to not set.
Showing event the event to show the tooltip on. Can be either ‘hover’, ‘click’ or ‘press’. Defaults to hover.
Tooltip string string to be displayed. ‘empty string = disabled’).
Top Offset add this attribute to offset the vertical position of the tooltip. Defaults to 0.
Vertical Position specifies the vertical position of the tooltip. Can be either ‘top’ or ‘bottom’.
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Identifier Defines the component identifier.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.