
Defines a Google Map component.

This component displays a Google map able to be positioned on a given latitude and longitude.

You can insert in the map any number of Map Marker components to mark positions on the map, and within Map Marker an Information Window component to display more information on a given marker.

Information Window components can have any type of HTML information inside to display formated information when the user clicks on a mark, including action buttons.

All coordinates are of JSON number type. To be sure to generate number types within Sequences, add an Attribute step type=double to your Element steps.
For more information: AgmMap.

Name Description
Display Height The Height in pixels (px) or in percentage (%) the map uses on the screen.
Latitude Number : The map will be centered at this latitude. Must be a ‘number’ jSON type (ex: 51.678418).
Longitude Number : The map will be centered at this longitude. Must be a ‘number’ jSON type (ex: 7.809007).
Zoom level The zoom level of the map. The default zoom level is 8.
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Identifier Defines the component identifier.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.