
Defines a CheckBox component.

A CheckBox is a form’s input component that holds a boolean value.
Checkboxes are no different than HTML checkbox inputs. However, like other Ionic components, checkboxes are styled differently on each platform.
Use the Checked property to set its default value, and the Disabled property to prevent the user from changing the value.
Like any other form’s inputs, it has a Control name property you may change for a more friendly name to use in a CustomValidator.
For more information: Checkbox.

Note: Make sure to add your component under a Generic Item or <ion-item> to make it work properly in form.

Name Description
Checked If true the component will be checked.
Control name The associated declared form’s control name.
Disabled If true the component will be disabled, preventing the the user from changing the value.
color Specifies ionic color.
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Identifier Defines the component identifier.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.