
Defines a Sliding Tabs Container component.

Sliding Tab Container can be used like Tabs Container but they usually appear on the top of the page below the Header.
Sliding Tab Container should be inserted in the Content component with the padding property removed.
Also you can use the no-border attribute on the Header to remove the border and the shadow of the NavBar.

Insert any number of Sliding Tab Item components, one for each tab.
You can swipe from one tab to another or select a tab when you tap on it.
For more information: Swipeable Tabs.

Name Description
Badge color The color of the badge. See colors for more information. Defaults to primary.
Indicator color The color of the tab indicator. See colors for more information. Defaults to primary.
Scroll tabs Set to true to enable tab bar swiping. Useful if you have lots of tabs.
Selected Tab Index The index of the tab that is selected when the component is initialized. Defaults to 0.
Tabs placement Placement of the tabs buttons. Defaults to top.
Toolbar Color The color of the text and icons inside the toolbar. See colors for more information.
Toolbar background The background color of the toolbar that contains the tab buttons. See colors for more information.
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Identifier Defines the component identifier.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.