OAuth login.

Enable the applications to use oAuth compliant authentication services such as LinkedIn, Microsoft Azure or any other OpenID compliant IDP.

This action will work on web and devices. On web browsers this will result by opening a popup window asking the user for credentials. On devices, the provider login screen will be pushed on the page stack.

This action requires the lib_OAuth project to be installed in the Studio workspace and deployed on the target Convertigo MBaaS servers.

This actions outputs in the out an object that can be:
{'login':'ok','object':{...provider metadata ...}} if the users starts a new session with Convertigo MBaaS server
{'token':'... OAuth token data ...'} if a session has already been established with Convertigo MBaaS server.

Provider Specific Documentation

• Microsoft Azure AD: You have to declare your app in the Microsoft Application Registration Portal (https://apps.dev.microsoft.com). You will be given a Client Id, use this to configure the Client ID property.

You must also configure two redirections urls:

http://localhost:18080/convertigo/projects/lib_OAuth/getToken.html and.

The first one will be used for developping in the studio, the second one when the project will be deployed on a Convertigo MBaaS Server.

• LinkedIn : You have to declare you app in the LinkedIn API portal (https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer?newapp=). You will be given a Client ID and a Client Secret.

You must also declare two redirection URLs:

http://localhost:18080/convertigo/projects/lib_OAuth/getTokenLinkedIn.html and.

The first one will be used for developping in the studio, the second one when the project will be deployed on a Convertigo MBaaS Server.

LinkedIn OAuth requires configuration on the client side and the Convertigo MBaaS server side. On the client side configure the given Client ID value in the Client ID property. On the Convertigo MBaaS side, configure two symbols with the admin console :<table><tr><td>lib_oauth.linkedin.clientid</td><td>Client ID value</td></tr><tr><td>lib_oauth.linkedin.keysecret</td><td>Client Secret value</td></tr></table>.

Name Description
Authorization endpoint For OpenID only, specifies the authorization end point url. Mandatory.
Client ID The OAuth Client ID as configured in the provider’s portal.
OAuth Provider The OAuth login provider: may be one of the predefined providers such as Azure, LinkedIn. If set to a given provider, will automatically configure unset properties to predefined values. These setting can be overriden by explicilty setting a value.
Redirect URI For OpenID only, specifies an authorized redirect uri. Mandatory.
Response Type The response type. If not set, response type is automatically configured from the ‘provider’ setting, by you may override this setting here.
Scope The Scope permissions. If not set, scopes are automatically configured from the ‘provider’ setting, by you may override this setting here.
Server LoginSequence <Project.Sequence>. The MBaaS Server sequence to call for login. If not set, is automatically configured from the ‘provider’ setting. You may override this setting here.
Server checkToken <Project.Sequence>. The MBaaS Server sequence to call for checking tokens. If not set, is automatically configured from the ‘provider’ setting. You may override this setting here.
Tenant ID The AzureAD tenant ID as configured in the AzureAD portal. (AzureAD only) If left empty, will default to ‘common’
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.