Returns a JSON structure of all of the documents in a given database. The information is returned as a JSON structure containing meta information about the return structure, including a list of all documents and basic contents, consisting the ID, revision and key.

GET /{db}/_all_docs
Response Headers:
• ETag – Response signature

Response JSON Object:
offset (number) – Offset where the document list started
rows (array) – Array of view row objects. By default the information returned contains only the document ID and revision
total_rows (number) – Number of documents in the database/view
update_seq (number) – Current update sequence for the database

Status Codes:
• 200 OK – Request completed successfully

Every properties of the form “Param xyz” or “Query xyz” can be overridden dynamically by declaring and using a “_use_xyz” variable. Those variables can be added using the right-click menu “Add variables for dynamic properties” of this transaction.

Property Type Category Description
Accessibility Accessibility standard Defines the transaction/sequence accessibility.
This property can take the following values:

Public: The transaction/sequence is runnable from everyone and everywhere, visible in the Test Platform and is also exposed in the SOAP WSDL as a web service method.
Hidden: The transaction/sequence is runnable but only from people who know the execution URL, not visible in the Test Platform nor exposed in the SOAP WSDL.
Private: The transaction/sequence is only runnable from within the Convertigo engine (Call Transaction/(Call Sequence steps), is not visible in the Test Platform and cannot be requested as SOAP web service method. This value is used for tests, unfinished transactions/sequences or functionalities not to be exposed. Private transactions/sequences remain runnable in the Studio, for the developer to be able to test its developments.

Note: In the Test Platform:

• The administrator user (authenticated in Administration Console or Test Platform) can see and run all transactions / sequences, no matter what their accessibility is.
• The test user (authenticated in the Test Platform or in case of anonymous access) can see and run public transactions/sequences and run hidden ones if he knows their execution URL.
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Query conflicts String standard (boolean) – Includes conflicts information in response. Ignored if include_docs isn’t true. Default is false
Query descending String standard (boolean) – Return the documents in descending by key order. Default is false
Query endkey String standard (string) – Stop returning records when the specified key is reached. Optional
Query endkey_docid String standard (string) – Stop returning records when the specified document ID is reached. Optional
Query include_docs String standard (boolean) – Include the associated document with each row. Default is false
Query inclusive_end String standard (boolean) – Specifies whether the specified end key should be included in the result. Default is true
Query key String standard (string) – Return only documents that match the specified key. Optional
Query keys String standard (json-array) – Return only documents where the key matches one of the keys specified in the array. Optional
Query limit String standard (number) – Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified number. Optional
Query skip String standard (number) – Skip this number of records before starting to return the results. Default is 0
Query sorted String standard (boolean) – Sort returned rows. Setting this to false offers a performance boost. The total_rows and offset fields are not available when this is set to false. Default is true
Query stable String standard (boolean) – Whether or not the view results should be returned from a stable set of shards. Default is false
Query stale String standard (string) – Allow the results from a stale view to be used. Supported values: ok and update_after. Optional
Query startkey String standard (string) – Return records starting with the specified key. Optional
Query startkey_docid String standard (string) – Return records starting with the specified document ID. Optional
Query update_seq String standard (boolean) – Response includes an update_seq value indicating which sequence id of the database the view reflects. Default is false
Response timeout long standard Defines the response maximum waiting time (in seconds).
Maximum time (in seconds) for a transaction/sequence to run. When specified time is reached, the transaction/sequence ends and returns a timeout error. If requested through the SOAP interface, the error is returned as a SOAP exception.
Add statistics to response boolean expert Defines whether some statistics of execution of the transaction/sequence should be added as data in the transaction/sequence’s response.
If this property is set to true, the transaction/sequence response will be enhanced with the statistics data of its execution (total time for the request, time spent waiting for the mainframe, etc.).
Note: This property has nothing to do with the general property of the Convertigo engine Insert statistics in the generated document that can be edited in the Configuration page of the Administration Console.
Authenticated context required boolean expert Defines whether an authenticated context is required to execute the transaction/sequence.
If this property is set to true, the context of execution of the transaction/sequence must have been authenticated. Otherwise, the transaction/sequence is not executed. Default value is false for a standard access to transactions/sequences.

• When a context is authenticated, all the contexts in the same HTTP session are also authenticated. For more information about context and HTTP session, see Context general presentation paragraph in JavaScript Objects APIs chapter.
• When executing a transaction/sequence from stub (__stub variable passed to true in entry), this property is ignored. Indeed, executing from stub is for testing purposes and should not require any authentication: the context would never be authenticated as the transaction/sequence setting the context as authenticated could also be executed from stub.
Authenticated user as cache key boolean expert Defines whether the authenticated user should be used as cache key.
When the cache is enabled (Response lifetime setting filled with a time-to-live), the Authenticated user as cache key property allows to specify to use the authenticated user ID from context/session as an additional key to the cache.
It would have as effect that two different identified users cannot retrieve the cached response of the other for the same request. Default value is false: the authenticated user is not used as cache key.
Call the biller boolean expert Defines whether the billing management module should be called for each generated XML document.
If this property is set to true, the applicable billing management module, defined thanks to the connector’s billing class name property, is invoqued. This parameter should never be changed (Convertigo private use only).
Character set String expert Defines the character set used for operations on the generated XML document (default: UTF-8).
Include certificate group boolean expert Includes the certificate group into the cache key.
If set to true, the certificate group is added to the cache key which is used to determine whether the transaction’s response should be pulled from the cache or not.
A transaction’s cached response is pulled from the cache when all cache key values are corresponding to a stored cache entry.
Response client cache boolean expert Defines whether the transaction/sequence response should be cached by the client.
If set to false, the response XML is sent to the client along with HTTP headers forcing the client browser not to store it in its local cache. This is the default value, since dynamic responses are usually preferred. If set to true, the XML response is sent normally.
Response lifetime String expert Defines the response time-to-live (in seconds) in cache, i.e. the time during which the cached response remains valid or time interval for its renewal. This property enables the cache when filled, disables the cache when left empty.
The Response lifetime property allows to specify the cache settings for the transaction/sequence’s response. It can be set to the following values:

<empty>: Disables the cache for the transaction/sequence. The response will not be cached and each request will execute the complete transaction. It is the default value.
absolute,<time in secs>: Enables the cache for the transaction/sequence. The response will be cached for the time specified in seconds. If an other request with the same parameters occurs within this time, the response will be returned from the cache.
daily,hh:mm:ss: Enables the cache for the transaction/sequence. The response will be cached until hh:mm:ss of the current day is reached. If an other request with the same parameters occurs before this time, the response will be returned from the cache. A new day starts at 00:00:00.
weekly,hh:mm:ss,w: Enables the cache for the transaction/sequence. The response will be cached until hh:mm:ss of the wth day of week is reached. For Sunday w = 1, for Monday w = 2 … and for Saturday w = 7. If an other request with the same parameters occurs before this time, the response will be returned from the cache. A new day starts at 00:00:00.
monthly,hh:mm:ss,d: Enables the cache for the transaction/sequence. The response will be cached until hh:mm:ss of the dth day of month is reached. If an other request with the same parameters occurs before this time, the response will be returned from the cache. A new day starts at 00:00:00.


• The Response lifetime property editor proposes a Generator tool that can help you configure the Response lifetime setting.
• The Variable objects contain the Cache key property that allows to specify to use this variable as a key to the cache or not. See Variable objects documentation for more information.
Secure connection required boolean expert Defines whether the transaction/sequence should be called through a secured connection (e.g. HTTPS).
Depending on the requester, if this property is set to true, the transaction/sequence must be accessed through a secure connection (e.g. HTTPS in case of HTTP access). Default value is false for a standard access to transactions/sequences.
Style sheet int expert Defines how the XML returned by the transaction has to be processed by XSLT.
This property can take the following values:

None: Do not process with XSLT. Usual setting for web services (SOAP or REST) where plain XML data is to be returned.
From transaction: Use the XSL style sheet attached to the transaction. When used, make sure a style sheet object is added to the transaction.
From last detected screen class: Use XSL style sheet attached to the last detected screen class (in case of a transaction with screen classes).

Transactions using sheets from last detected screen class are mainly used in Web Clipping or Legacy Publishing projects.