Defines a Tooltip component. The Tooltip is a pop-up tip that appears when you hover over an item or click on it.

To use it, place the Tooltip inside any component such as Button or Generic item.
Usage for the Tooltip content to be displayed according to the Tooltip content type property:</br><ul><li>string:</br>[TX mode] A simple tooltip string</li><li>html:</br>[TX mode] Hello i'm a bold text!</li><li>template:</br>[TS mode] this.MyNgTemplateIdentifier</li></ul>
For more information: ng2-tooltip-directive.

Name | Description — | — Animation duration | The duration controls how long the animation takes to run from start to finish. Auto placement | Place the tooltip so that it does not go beyond the borders of the browser window. Coordinates | The tooltip coordinates relative to the browser window, e.g. in TS mode: {top: number, left: number} Display | The tooltip availability for display. Display on touch screen | Display the tooltip on mobile devices. Hide delay | The delay in ms before removing the tooltip. Hide delay (click) | Tooltip hiding delay for ‘click’ trigger. Hide delay (touch) | Delay in milliseconds before hiding the tooltip (for mobile devices). Max width | Maximum width of the tooltip in pixels (default: 200px) Offset | Offset the tooltip relative to the item. Pointer events | Defines whether or not an element reacts to pointer events. Position | The position of the tooltip. Shadow | Shadow of the tooltip. Show delay | The delay in ms before showing the tooltip. Theme | Theme of tooltip background and text. Tooltip classes | Comma separated class names to be passed to the tooltip. Tooltip content | The content to be displayed in the popup according to the Tooltip content type property.
Usage according to content type:</br><li>string:</br>[TX mode] A simple tooltip string

  • html:</br>[TX mode] Hello i'm a bold text!
  • template:</br>[TS mode] this.MyNgTemplateIdentifier Tooltip content type | The content type passed to the tooltip. Trigger event | Specifies how the tooltip is triggered. Control the closing time with 'Hide delay' property. Width | Width of the tooltip in pixels. E.g: 150px Z-index | Z-index of the tooltip. Comment | Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object. Identifier | Defines the component identifier. Is active | Defines whether the component is active.