
Defines a Backdrop component.

Backdrops are full screen components that overlay other components and prevents clicking or tapping on the content behind.
They are useful behind components that transition in on top of other content and can be used to dismiss that component.
A Backdrop is transparent by default, so you should include CSS to make it visible.
It can be customized by assigning common CSS properties including background-color, background and opacity.
Content can be displayed above the backdrop by setting a z-index on the content, higher than the backdrop (defaults to 2).
For more information: Backdrop.

Name Description
Stop propagation If true, the backdrop will stop propagation on tap.
Tappable If true, the backdrop will can be clicked and will emit the ionBackdropTap event.
Visible If true, the backdrop will be visible.
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Identifier Defines the component identifier.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.