
Displays data in a Tree View. This component is based on the angular-tree-component component.

JSON data can be sourced from a Sequence or from the local FullSync database. JSON data format is described in the Tree data property

Name Description
Children Node Name Name of the children nodes. Defaults to ‘children’.
Displayed Field Name of the field to display. Defaults to ‘name’.
Has Children Field Attribute that indicates the node has children. Defaults to ‘hasChildrenField’.
ID Attribute Attribute of the node that contains a unique ID. Defaults to ‘id’.
Is Expanded Field Attribute that indicates the node starts as expanded. Defaults to ‘expanded’.
Right to Left Display direction. Defaults to ‘false’.
Scroll On Select Whether to scroll to the node to make it visible when it is selected / activated. Defaults to ‘true’.
Tree data JSON tree nodes
Use Checkbox Whether to display a checkbox next to the node or not. Defaults to ‘false’.
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Identifier Defines the component identifier.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.