
Defines a Grid Row component.

This component must be inserted in a Grid and contains Grid Column components.
A Grid Row is composed of 12 slots that can be filled with Grid Columns.
For more information: GridRow.

Name Description
Alignement Specifies how items are aligned on the cross axis.
Height Specifies the height of the row, pixel (px) or percentage (%). Use 100% to set a row taking the full grid height, usefull for vertical centering.
Justification Specifies how items are packed on the main axis.
Width Specifies the witdh of the row, pixel (px) or percentage (%).
Wrapping Specifies how items are wrapped on line(s).
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Identifier Defines the component identifier.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.