Defines a Query View action component.

This component helps querying a given view of a FullSync database.
Views are pre-indexed FullSync documents you can query.
They may be defined in the Convertigo Studio for a given FullSync Connector by writing a ‘map’ function defining how documents are indexed and what data you want place in front of an index.

For more information about Views see Understanding views and queries.

To query a view, select it through the View property and configure the query parameters. Most of the parameters are optional, but the most useful ones are the StartKey and the EndKey defining the range of the index you want to query.

See the Query parameters documentation for that.
For more information : interacting-locally-with-the-data/.

If you want to disable loading controller, you can set property disable loading controller to true.

Name Description
Attachments Include attachment data.
Attachments binary Return attachment data as Blobs/Buffers, instead of as base64-encoded strings.
Conflicts Include conflicts in the _conflicts field of a doc.
Descending Reverse the order of the output rows.
Disable loading controller Defines if we want to disable loading controller showing
EndKey Get rows with keys in a certain range (inclusive/inclusive) from the end key.
Group True if you want the reduce function to group results by keys, rather than returning a single result. Defaults to false.
Group level Number of elements in a key to group by, assuming the keys are arrays. Defaults to the full length of the array.
Include_docs Include the document in each row in the doc field. This may be useful for joined queries or if you do not want to ‘emit’ too much ‘values’ in your map functions.

See joined queries.
Inclusive end Include rows having a key equal to the given options.endkey. Default: true
Key Only return rows matching this key.
Keys Array of keys to fetch in a single shot. Neither startkey nor endkey can be specified with this option. The rows are returned in the same order as the supplied keys array. The row for a deleted document will have the revision ID of the deletion, and an extra key ‘deleted’:true in the value property. The row for a nonexistent document will just contain an ‘error’ property with the value ‘not_found’.
Limit Maximum number of rows to return. Always limit your queries to some maximum to avoid UI lagging and excessive memory consumption.
Live If set to an ID, will automatically monitor any database change (From continuous replication or from local changes) and re-run the query. Using ‘Live’ is the best way to refresh automatically your UI when data changes in the database. You can cancel an ‘live’ view by calling the c8o.cancelLive(id) API.
Marker Use Markers to differentiate queries in order to be able to listen to a given query response. Use listen([fs://mydatabase.view#MYMARKER]) syntax to listen to a given ‘Marked’ query.
Reduce Call the view reduced.
Skip Number of rows to skip before returning. Useful for pagination combined with the ‘limit’ property.
Stale Can be one of: unspecified (default): Returns the latest results, waiting for the view to build if necessary. ‘ok’: Returns results immediately, even if they’re out-of-date. ‘update_after’: Returns results immediately, but kicks off a build afterwards.
StartKey Get rows with keys in a certain range (inclusive/inclusive) from the start key.
View The view to query (in the form Project.database.DesignDoc.view).
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.