
Defines a Video component.

This component acts as the standard HTML5 video tag which embed a video in a web page.
It helps to display a video from a remote or local video ressource.
For more information: Video.

Name Description
Autoplay If set, the video will play automatically when displayed.
Controls If set, the video will have some control buttons displayed.
Height The height of the video on the page. Can be Pixels (px) or percentage (%).
Source The video Source, can be MPEG4 or any other format read by HTML5 video players. This can be a remote source (http://mysource/myvideo.mp4) or an embedded local source (assets/video/myvideo.mp4).
Width The width of the video on the page. Can be Pixels (px) or percentage (%).
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Identifier Defines the component identifier.
Is active Defines whether the component is active.