
Defines a inline Toast component.

This component helps displaying some informations.
A Toast is a subtle notification commonly used in modern applications. It can be used to provide feedback about an operation or to display a system message.The toast appears on top of the applications content, and can be dismissed to resume user interaction with the application.
Toast is presented following an action on a trigger component.
For more information : Inline Toasts.

Name Description  
Animated If true, the toast will animate  
Animation (enter) Animation to use when the toast is presented. ((baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Animation).  
Animation (leave) Animation to use when the toast is dismissed. ((baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Animation).  
Buttons An array of buttons for the toast.Type: (string | ToastButton)[]  
Color Specifies ionic color.  
Control id The toast id.  
Css classes Additional classes for custom styles. Type: string string[]
Duration Defines the toast’s duration in milliseconds.  
Header Defines the toast’s header.  
Icon The name of the icon to display, or the path to a valid SVG file. See ion-icon:  
Is open If true, the toast will open. If false, the toast will close.
Use this if you need finer grained control over presentation, otherwise just use the alertController or the trigger property.
Note: isOpen will not automatically be set back to false when the toast dismisses. You will need to do that in your code.
Keyboard close If true, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented  
Layout Defines how the message and buttons are laid out in the toast.
‘baseline’: The message and the buttons will appear on the same line. Message text may wrap within the message container.
‘stacked’: The buttons containers and message will stack on top of each other. Use this if you have long text in your buttons.
Message Defines the toast’s message.  
Mode Specifies ionic mode.  
Position Defines the toast’s position.  
Position anchor The element to anchor the toast’s position to.
Can be set as a direct reference or the ID of the element. Type: HTMLElement | string
With position=’bottom’, the toast will sit above the chosen element.
With position=’top’, the toast will sit below the chosen element.
With position=’middle’, the value of positionAnchor is ignored.
Swipe gesture If set to ‘vertical’, the Toast can be dismissed with a swipe gesture.
The swipe direction is determined by the value of the position property:
top: The Toast can be swiped up to dismiss.
bottom: The Toast can be swiped down to dismiss.
middle: The Toast can be swiped up or down to dismiss.
Translucent If true, the toast will be translucent. Only applies when the mode is ‘ios’ and the device supports backdrop-filter.  
Trigger An ID corresponding to the trigger element that causes the toast to open when clicked.  
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.  
Identifier Defines the component identifier.  
Is active Defines whether the component is active.