Defines a controller Alert action component.

The Alerts are a great way to offer the user the ability to choose a specific action or list of actions.They also can provide the user with important information, or require them to make a decision.
Alert action component can be added under an Event or another action. Its returned value can be accessed by the navigation stack, using parent.out for example.
For more information : Controller Alerts.

Name Description  
Animated If true, the alert will animate  
Animation (enter) Animation to use when the alert is presented. ((baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Animation).  
Animation (leave) Animation to use when the alert is dismissed. ((baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Animation).  
Css Classes Additional classes for custom styles. Type: string string[]
Css class 1 A css class for button 1.  
Css class 2 A css class for button 2.  
Css class 3 A css class for button 3.  
Enable backdrop dismiss If true, the alert will be dismissed when the backdrop is clicked.  
Header Defines the alert’s header.  
Html Attributes Additional attributes to pass to the alert. Type: { [key: string]: any }  
Id The alert id.  
Keyboard close If true, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented  
Message Defines the alert’s message.  
Mode Specifies ionic mode.  
Return value 1 A value to return for the button 1. Use an object in TS mode as value.  
Return value 2 A value to return for the button 2. Use an object in TS mode as value.  
Return value 3 A value to return for the button 3. Use an object in TS mode as value.  
Role 1 The button 1 role: not set or cancel.  
Role 2 The button 2 role: not set or cancel.  
Role 3 The button 3 role: not set or cancel.  
Sub header Defines the alert’s sub header.  
Text 1 Text for the button 1.  
Text 2 Text for the button 2.  
Text 3 Text for the button 3.  
Translucent If true, the alert will be translucent. Only applies when the mode is ‘ios’ and the device supports backdrop-filter.  
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.  
Is active Defines whether the component is active.