Defines a Text component.

This component acts as a standard HTML Text node which is mostly the inner content of an HTML element.
The Text component is the base component to display text.
You can add a Text component to any other component, for example to a Button or an HTML component such as P or H1. If you add several Text to the same component, they will be concatenated.

Text components have a Text value property. As any other property, its value can be set from:
• A Static expression : click the TX button in the property editor, and enter a static expression: Welcome!, 2018, true
• A TypeScript expression : click the TS button in the property editor, and enter a typescript expression: 'some text', this.options.titleText
• A Source expression : click the SC button in the property editor, and select the source by clicking the ... button

For more information: HTML Elements, Ionic Components

Name Description
Comment Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
I18n translate Defines whether the text should be translated (for TX mode only)
Is active Defines whether the component is active.
Text value Defines the text to be displayed