References an XSD file and imports its schemas in this project.

The Import XSD schema reference enhances the current project’s schema by importing the referenced XSD file.
The imported XSD objects (types, elements, groups, …) can be used anywhere in current project sequences, using the Assigned XSD Complex type QName and Assigned XSD Element ref QName properties.
Note: The imported XSD file should declare a target namespace different from the target namespace of the current project. It is mandatory for an XSD to be imported in another.

Property Type Category Description
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
XSD URL String standard Defines the URL of the XSD file to import.
If the XSD file to import is outside of the current project (either a remote file or a file on the developer’s computer but external to the project), this XSD URL property is used to define the file’s URL.

• If the file to import is located in the file system (local or network drives), use the “Browse” button of the wizard: it will automatically create the correct file URL depending on your operating system (file://[host]/path or file:[//host]/path).
• Only one of both XSD local path or XSD URL properties can be used. If both are filled, only XSD local path property is used.
XSD local path String standard Defines the Convertigo local path of the imported XSD file.
If the XSD file to import is a local file in the current project or in the current workspace, this XSD local path property is used to define the local file path.
This path is relative to Convertigo environment. Relative paths starting with:

./ are relative to Convertigo workspace,
.// are relative to current project folder.

Note: Only one of both XSD local path or XSD URL properties can be used. If both are filled, only XSD local path property is used.
Auth password String expert Defines the password to use for authentication.
Auth user String expert Defines the username to use for authentication.
Authentication needed ? boolean expert Defines if the reference resources need an authentication.