Gets a stored variable/object from the session.
The Get from session step allows to easily retrieve a value previously stored (thanks to the Set in session step for example) using its key.
Note: The HTTP session is shared by all contexts that are executed for a same user’s requests.
Property | Type | Category | Description |
Comment | String | standard | Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report. This property generally contains an explanation about the object. |
Is active | boolean | standard | Defines whether the step is active. |
Key | String | standard | The key of the variable/object to retrieve, i.e. the stored variable name. The variable/object was stored in session using a key, also called name. This property allows to specify the name of the variable/object to retrieve. |
Assigned XSD Complex type QName | XmlQName | expert | Defines a global schema Complex type to assign as a type to this structured XML element. This property allows to assign an XSD Complex type to the structured XML element generated by this step. The QName defined by this property can be: • a new Complex type name: the Complex type will be created from this structure in the project’s schema, • an already defined Complex type name: the existing Complex type is used and possibly enhanced by the structure generated by this XML element (if not identical): the Complex type will be a union of all XML structures using it. To use an already existing Complex type name, the popup editor displays all types available in the project’s schema: • in grey: all non editable schema types (Convertigo standard error schema, types imported through references, types of transactions, etc.), • in blue: all schema types dynamically generated from the project’s sequences, • in green: all dynamic schema types explicitly named by Assigned XSD Complex type QName or Assigned XSD Element ref QName properties. |
Assigned XSD Element ref QName | XmlQName | expert | Defines a global schema Element to assign as a reference to this structured XML element. This property allows to assign a referenced Element to the structured XML element generated by this step. The referenced Element and its corresponding XSD Complex type will also be created if non existing in the project’s schema. The QName defined by this property can be: • a new referenced Element name: the referenced Element and the corresponding Complex type will be created from this structure in the project’s schema, • an already defined referenced Element name: the existing referenced Element is used and its Complex type is possibly enhanced by the structure generated by this XML element (if not identical): the Complex type will be a union of all XML structures using it. To use an already existing referenced Element name, the popup editor displays all types available in the project’s schema: • in grey: all non editable schema types (Convertigo standard error schema, types imported through references, types of transactions, etc.), • in blue: all schema types dynamically generated from the project’s sequences, • in green: all dynamic schema types explicitly named by Assigned XSD Complex type QName or Assigned XSD Element ref QName properties. |
Assigned XSD Simple type QName | XmlQName | expert | Defines the schema base type to assign as a type to this simple XML element. This property allows to assign a simple XSD type to the simple XML element generated by this step. It can only be used when the step actually generates a simple XML element. |
Output | boolean | expert | Defines whether the XML generated by this step should be appended to the resulting XML. Set this property to true to add the step’s resulting XML to the sequence’s output XML (default value for steps generating XML). Set this property to false to prevent the steps’s XML result to appear in the sequence’s output XML. Setting this property to false does not prevent the step’s generated XML from being used as a source by other steps. |