Establishes connections with an SQL database.

The SQL connector enables Convertigo to connect to any database and execute requests.
The access to the target database is configured using the Driver property and the Database URL property. Credentials may be defined in the User name and the User password properties, if required.
The SQL connector includes a connection pooling process that allows opening a certain number of connections, defined by the Max. connections property, that are always ready to execute the requests.
The pooled connections are by default kept opened after the transaction execution. This behavior can be inverted using the Keep connection alive property.
The pooled connections can also be automatically tested before execution using the Test connection property.
Idle connections can be detected and automatically reset using the Idle connection search delay property.
The connection pool can be disabled using the Enable connection pool property.
A JNDI mode can also be selected, in the Driver property. In this case, the connection to the database is made without using any JDBC driver nor connection pool.
Using JNDI mode, the connection to the database can be configured using a context.xml file. This file is located in the <workspace_folder>/studio folder in Studio, or has to be created in the <convertigo_webapp>/META-INF/ folder in Server.

Property Type Category Description
Comment String standard Describes the object comment to include in the documentation report.
This property generally contains an explanation about the object.
Database URL String standard Defines the database URL.
This property defines the URL needed to connect to the database using the driver class. The database URL syntax depends on the driver class selected in Driver property:

sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver needs a URL of the form: jdbc:odbc:<DSN(datasource_name)>. needs a URL of the form: jdbc:as400://<server_name>:<port(optional)>/<default_schema>;<properties(optional)>.
com.mysql.jdbc.Driver needs a URL of the form: jdbc:mysql://<server_name>:<port(optional)>/<database_name>.
net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver needs a URL of the form: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<server_name>:<port(optional)>/<database_name>.
org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver needs a URL of the form: jdbc:hsqldb:file:/<file_path>/<database_name>. needs a URL of the form: jdbc:db2://<server_name>:<port(optional)>/<database_name>.
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver needs a URL of the form: jdbc:oracle:<drivertype>:<username/password(optional)>@//<host>:<port(optional)>/<service>, see for Oracle official documentation.
org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver needs a URL of the form: jdbc:mysql://<server_name>:<port(optional)>/<database_name>.
JNDI needs a JNDI resource name: jdbc/<resource_ref_name>.
Driver String standard Defines the JDBC driver class to use.
The following drivers can be selected:

sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver: JDBC-ODBC bridge for accessing ODBC databases, for example Microsoft Access. IBM AS400 database.
com.mysql.jdbc.Driver: MySQL database.
net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver: Microsoft SQL Server database.
org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver: HSQLDB database (one is included in the Studio for demos and samples). IBM DB2 Server database.
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver: ORACLE database.
org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver: MariaDB database, community-developed fork of MySQL.
JNDI: JNDI mode, not using any JDBC driver nor the connection pooling process. When using JNDI mode, the connection to the database can be configured using a context.xml file. This file is located in the <workspace_folder>/studio folder in Studio, or has to be created in the <convertigo_webapp>/META-INF/ folder in Server.

Note: You can refer to appendix SQL drivers and related jar files in the Operating Guide for more information about driver classes and related jar files.
Max. connections int standard Defines the maximum number of connections allowed in the connection pool to access the target database.
The SQL connector connection pool opens in parallel all connections to the target database. This property defines the maximum number of co-existing connections allowed for this connector to connect to the target database.
For example, HSQLDB database included in Studio only allows one connection.
User name String standard Defines the user name needed for connecting to the database.
This user must exist in the target database and have sufficient authorizations to performs requests executed by transactions.
User password String standard Defines the user password needed for connecting to the database.
This password must correspond to user name defined in the User name property.
Billing Java class String expert Defines the Java class name executed for billing pruposes.
Convertigo supports a plugin architecture offering billing functionalities. Set the name of the billing class to be called by Convertigo for billing purposes.
Carioca authentication boolean expert Defines whether the connector requires a Carioca authentication.
Set to true if you require that only Carioca-authenticated users be able to use this connector.
Connection testing query String expert Defines the SQL query to execute to test the connection to the database (optional).
The SQL connector connection pool needs to check the validity of opened connections. This optional property defines the SQL query to execute on a new opened connection to check the connection’s validity.
If this property is left blank, Convertigo uses a default SQL query to retrieve the list of the database system tables, depending on the chosen Driver:

sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver: SELECT 1 AS dbcp_connection_test. SELECT * FROM SYSIBM.SQLSCHEMAS FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY.
net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver: SELECT TOP 1 * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES.
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL.
org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver needs a URL of the form: SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES LIMIT 1.
JNDI: SELECT 1 AS dbcp_connection_test.
Enable connection pool boolean expert Defines whether the connection pool is used or not to access target database.
The SQL connector connection pool allows to automatically pre-connect a pool of connections to the target database. This property allows the programmer to enable or disable the connection pool.
If set to true, the connection pool is enabled and connections are retrieved from the pool. If set to false, the connection pool is disabled and connections are created on-demand. Default value is true.
End transaction String expert Defines the transaction to execute before removing the context.
When a Convertigo context is removed, the specified “End transaction” is executed. Place in this transaction any clean up code, for example a Logout transaction.
Idle connection search delay long expert Defines the number of seconds to wait between searches for idle connections in the connection pool (in seconds).
The SQL connector connection pool can automatically search for idle connections and remove them from the pool so they are re-started. This property allows the programmer to set a time delay between two searches.
Default value is 60 seconds. To disable the idle connection search, set this value to 0.
Keep connection alive boolean expert Defines whether the connection to the database should be maintained after a transaction execution.
Due to the use of connection pool, the SQL connector prevents database connections from being closed after each transaction execution or context end. This property set to false will force the closure of a connection after a transaction execution or a context end.
Test connection boolean expert Defines whether the connection pool should test or not the connection before providing it.
The SQL connector connection pool can test the connection before providing it to the requesting transaction for execution. This property allows the programmer to enable or disable this automatic check.
Default value is false, i.e. the automatic test of each connection is disabled.