Keycodes table
This appendix contains the list of keycodes Convertigo can send to any HTML object through a Key statement.
Table A - 1: Keycode table
Key Pressed | Javascript KeyCode |
backspace | 8 |
tab | 9 |
enter | 13 |
shift | 16 |
ctrl | 17 |
alt | 18 |
pause/break | 19 |
caps lock | 20 |
escape | 27 |
page up | 33 |
page down | 34 |
end | 35 |
home | 36 |
left arrow | 37 |
up arrow | 38 |
right arrow | 39 |
down arrow | 40 |
insert | 45 |
delete | 46 |
0 | 48 |
1 | 49 |
2 | 50 |
3 | 51 |
4 | 52 |
5 | 53 |
6 | 54 |
7 | 55 |
8 | 56 |
9 | 57 |
a | 65 |
b | 66 |
c | 67 |
d | 68 |
e | 69 |
f | 70 |
g | 71 |
h | 72 |
i | 73 |
j | 74 |
k | 75 |
l | 76 |
m | 77 |
n | 78 |
o | 79 |
p | 80 |
q | 81 |
r | 82 |
s | 83 |
t | 84 |
u | 85 |
v | 86 |
w | 87 |
x | 88 |
y | 89 |
z | 90 |
left window key | 91 |
right window key | 92 |
select key | 93 |
numpad 0 | 96 |
numpad 1 | 97 |
numpad 2 | 98 |
numpad 3 | 99 |
numpad 4 | 100 |
numpad 5 | 101 |
numpad 6 | 102 |
numpad 7 | 103 |
numpad 8 | 104 |
numpad 9 | 105 |
multiply | 106 |
add | 107 |
subtract | 109 |
decimal point | 110 |
divide | 111 |
f1 | 112 |
f2 | 113 |
f3 | 114 |
f4 | 115 |
f5 | 116 |
f6 | 117 |
f7 | 118 |
f8 | 119 |
f9 | 120 |
f10 | 121 |
f11 | 122 |
f12 | 123 |
num lock | 144 |
scroll lock | 145 |
semi-colon | 186 |
equal sign | 187 |
comma | 188 |
dash | 189 |
period | 190 |
forward slash | 191 |
grave accent | 192 |
open bracket | 219 |
back slash | 220 |
close bracket | 221 |
single quote | 222 |
Date format - Usable symbols
This appendix contains the list of usable symbols for formatting dates.
Date and time formats are specified by date and time pattern strings. Within date and time pattern strings, unquoted letters from ‘A’ to ‘Z’ and from ‘a’ to ‘z’ are interpreted as pattern letters representing the components of a date or time string.
Text can be quoted using single quotes (‘) to avoid interpretation. “’’” represents a single quote. All other characters are not interpreted; they’re simply copied into the output string during formatting or matched against the input string during parsing.
The following pattern letters are defined (all other characters from ‘A’ to ‘Z’ and from ‘a’ to ‘z’ are reserved):
Table A - 2: Date format - Usable Symbols
G | Era designator | Text | AD |
y | Year | Year | 1996 & 96 |
M | Month in year | Month | July & Jul & 07 |
w | Week in year | Number | 27 |
W | Week in month | Number | 2 |
D | Day in year | Number | 189 |
d | Day in month | Number | 10 |
F | Day of week in month | Number | 2 |
E | Day in week | Text | Tuesday & Tue |
a | Am/pm marker | Text | PM |
H | Hour in day (0-23) | Number | 0 |
k | Hour in day (1-24) | Number | 24 |
K | Hour in am/pm (0-11) | Number | 0 |
h | Hour in am/pm (1-12) | Number | 12 |
m | Minute in hour | Number | 30 |
s | Second in minute | Number | 55 |
S | Millisecond | Number | 978 |
z | Time zone | General time zone | Pacific Standard Time & PST & GMT-08:00 |
Z | Time zone | RFC 822 time zone | -0800 |
Convertigo paths variables - Usable symbols
This appendix contains the list of Convertigo paths variables available in Site Clipper objects using replacement strings. In replacement string properties, you can use specific symbols, that will allow you to compute in runtime some well known paths.
The following symbols are available:
Table A - 3: Convertigo paths variables - Usable Symbols
Variable name | Retreived value |
project_path | retrieves the path to your current project |
siteclipper_path | retrieves the Site Clipper path |
host_path | retrieves the Site Clipper path and the target host path (without the resource path) |
tail_path | retrieves the Site Clipper path, the target host path and the resource path (without the resource) |
In order to use such symbols, just add $< symbol >$ into your replacement string value. You can use as many symbols as you want and at any location. All symbols are computed accordingly to the current project/connector/context. You can use them in order to make the objects using replacement strings more maintainable and simplier. This is also useful because you do not have to deal with project name (it can change for instance between a development environment and a production one). This makes your string replacements dynamic.
Let’s say Convertigo receives the following Site Clipper request:

The previously described variables are computed with the following values:
- $project_path$ = “/convertigo/projects/my_project”
- $siteclipper_path$ = “/convertigo/projects/my_project/connector=my_connector,context=my_context.siteclipper”
- $host_path$ = “/convertigo/projects/my_project/connector=my_connector,context=my_context.siteclipper/http/remote_host,18080”
- $tail_path$ = “/convertigo/projects/my_project/connector=my_connector,context=my_context.siteclipper/http/remote_host,18080/remote/path”
Legacy emulator actions table
An action is a special keystroke that an emulator can execute as ENTER or SOMMAIRE. This appendix contains the list of the valid emulator actions Convertigo can send to Javelin emulator, depending on the emulator type.
Table A - 4: Videotex emulator - Actions table
Description | Code |
Suite | KSuite |
Sommaire | KSommaire |
Guide | KGuide |
Répétition | KRepetition |
Annulation | KAnnulation |
Correction | KCorrection |
Retour | KRetour |
Envoi | KEnvoi |
Connexion/Fin | KCnxFin |
Table A - 5: VT220 emulator - Actions table
Description | Code |
F1 | F01 |
F2 | F02 |
F3 | F03 |
F4 | F04 |
F5 | F05 |
F6 | F06 |
F7 | F07 |
F8 | F08 |
F9 | F09 |
F10 | F10 |
F11 | F11 |
F12 | F12 |
Table A - 6: Bull emulator - Actions table
Description | Code |
FKCx [1..12] | FKCx |
Right arrow | RIGHT |
Left arrow | LEFT |
Up arrow | UP |
Down arrow | DOWN |
Delete active partition | CLEARAP |
Delete end of partition | CLEAREP |
Initialize active partition | INITAP |
Initialize two partitions | INITBP |
Partial initialization | INITPA |
Insert line | INSLINE |
Delete line | SUPLINE |
Delete end of line | ERAEOL |
Move cursor to begin of line | CURBOL |
Move cursor to begin of map | CURHOME |
Delete character | DELCHAR |
Insert character | INSCHAR |
Tabulation | TAB |
Back tabulation | BTAB |
Insert tabulation | INSTAB |
Delete tabulation | CLRTAB |
Baskspace | BS |
Total transmission | XMITALL |
Transmission | XMIT |
Break | BREAK |
Table A - 7: IBM emulator - Actions table
Description | Code |
PAx [1..3] | KEY_PAx [1..3] |
Enter | KEY_ENTER |
Attn | KEY_ATTN |
PFx [1..24] | KEY_PFx [1..24] |
Right arrow | KEY_CURRIGHT |
Left arrow | KEY_CURLEFT |
Up arrow | KEY_CURUP |
Down arrow | KEY_CURDOWN |
Backspace | KEY_BACKSP |
Tabulation | KEY_TAB |
Back tabulation | KEY_BACKTAB |
New line | KEY_NEWLINE |
Move cursor to begin of map | KEY_HOME |
Insert | KEY_INSERT |
Delete | KEY_DELCHAR |
Reset | KEY_RESET |
Duplication | KEY_DUP |
Field mark | KEY_FLDMRK |
Delete end of line | KEY_ERASEEOF |
Delete entry | KEY_ERASEINPUT |
Current selection | KEY_CURSEL |
Clear | KEY_CLEAR |